
Coblynau, Welsh Mythology and Folklore - 200+ Reference images

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Coblynau, Welsh Mythology and Folklore - 200+ Reference images

  • Coblynau are mythical gnome-like creatures that are said to haunt the mines and quarries of Wales and areas of Welsh settlement in America. Like the Knockers of Cornish folklore they often help miners to the richest veins of ore or other treasures by their peculiar knocking sound. They appear dressed in miniature mining outfits, work constantly but never finish their task. They are said to be half a yard (1.5 ft) tall, very ugly, but often friendly and helpful.
  • All images were created with MidJourney AI - versions 4, 5 and 5.1
    217 images were picked and then upscaled with Topaz Gigapixel AI v6.3.3. and saved in PNG format.
    Resolution goes from 6144x6144 (49 images), with majority in 8736x4896, up to 9984x5760 (28 images).
  • Note: Some of images in thumbnails are cut, which of course is not a case with full images.
  • Disclaimer: As it says, this is Reference images package made by nowadays AI generators. The purpose is to give ideas on subject that is not easy to find with standard search engines and to save time for people that want to make some actual art. Do not use those images as end product, instead be real artist and make something new and wonderful.
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200+ reference images, around 9.3 Gb of Coblynau, creature from Welsh folklore, generated by MidJourney and upscaled with Topaz Gigapixel AI

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